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About Us

Kangen Water Malaysia is a group of official associates of Enagic® Malaysia, promoting health and wellness via the Internet, with Kangen Water Ionizers.

We aim to share the infinite benefits of Kangen Water to people around the world.

Worldwide Product Acceptance

Based in Malaysia, we frequently travel to places like Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Philippines, China and Hong Kong to share the goodness and wellness of Kangen Water. We are also open to marketing with more countries in further regions. Our programme and products have been well received with over 80,000 machines sold to families in Malaysia since 2012.

Enagic has 40 locations in 23 countries, including Malaysia

The large number of strong presence internationally means that multiple rigorous testings have been researched and done from most developed countries all around the world including and not limited to Singapore, London, New York, Dubai, and more.


This shows that hundreds of thousands of families from all around the world have already been using and optimizing the usages and wellness of the Kangen Machines, including celebrities and athletes like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, Angelina Jolie, Leonardo Di Caprio, Jullian Michaels, Tiger Woods and more.

Kangen Enagic 10 year anniversary
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Message from Enagic's Founder

Mr Hironari Ohshiro is the founder of Enagic's Kangen Water® Ionizers. In his quest to spreading wellness and true health to families around the world, this was his message during his 80th birthday:

"My original dream 40 years ago, was to free people from whatever binds them, from whatever prevents their ultimate ascension into greatness. It brings a huge smile to my face now, knowing that close to a million people worldwide have enjoyed the success of Enagic's vision. "

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Daniel Khoo

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I am a diabetic. Since 26 years old, I started taking insulins. I was obese and I was depressed. Kangen Water has changed my life for the better. I have lost more than 20 kgs since I started drinking and I have stopped taking my insulins. I no longer feel insecure and sad, and I've been starting to adopt a healthier lifestyle. It's not perfect yet but I'm definitely better now.

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Doreen Young

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My baby princess is my first born currently 3 years old. Before I use the pH 2.5 and beauty water on her skin, my princess will always cry and scream because of all the red spots and crack skins... it pains my heart to see her cry...Now she's all happy and cheerful, my bundle of joy. No longer she has eczema after I adopted the eczema protocol for her skin using the pH2.5 and beauty water.

How Kangen Water has changed lives

My most rewarding testimonial

Kangen Story

"We started consuming Kangen Water in 2012 and doing the Enagic business in 2015. Since then, we have been travelling and sharing the goodness of Kangen Water to many parts of the world. For us, it was always about helping others to improve their health conditions first before telling them how to strengthen their finances by sharing the goodness of Kangen Water.

One of the most heartening testimonies we had through our experience of sharing Kangen Water is from a 67-year-old diabetic and wet gangrene patient name Michael Hew. Due to his bad eating habits and lack of proper hydration, the gangrene condition at his feet got progressively worse until the doctor advised amputating his feet. Around the same time, we chance upon Michael and suggested to him to drink Kangen Water and follow a set of Kangen Water protocols to give himself a chance to save his feet.  

Luckily Michael agreed to give himself a fighting chance and started to drink 3 litres of Kangen Water daily and soak his feet into pH2.5 (Strong Acidic Water) for 20 minutes, twice a day. After 10 days, the affected area began to dry up and after another 13 days, the wound healed considerably. To this day, Michael continues to drink Kangen Water diligently and he is actively walking around with both his legs intact. He thanked us profusely for introducing him to the water and today like us, he is actively sharing the goodness of Kangen Water with everyone he chances upon. 


We are very happy for Michael. That's the beauty of this business. It’s very fulfilling and rewarding but more importantly, it gives us a platform to serve and contribute to the betterment of our family, community and the society."

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